Media And Entertainment Law

Agreement Drafting and Vetting

An agreement cannot be considered as a mere piece of paper signing between two parties! It includes monetary issues, conditions, obligations, penal clauses etc. We are here to assist you in drafting your agreements with special caution and care.

  • Production and Co-production agreements
  • Film rights/remake/dub/adapt agreement
  • Songwriter agreement.
  • Trademark and copyright license agreement.
  • Artist agreement.
  • Distribution agreement;
  • Synchronization agreement;
  • Broadcasting contracts and agreements.
  • Vendor agreements.
  • Recording agreement.
  • Digital Marketing Agreement

Anti Piracy Enforcement Services 

India is one of the biggest entertainment industry in the world, at the same time one of the top countries for pirated content. We will help you to fight with your piracy issues through online and on ground services!


  • Court proceedings including securing John Doe/Ashok Kumar orders
  • Website checks to detect online piracy includes, downloading and distributing contents digitally.
  • Detecting infringing torrent websites.
  • Advisory on digital rights management tools and technological protection.
  • Issue legal notice to internets service providers to block infringing contents.
  • Managing checks and raids of illegal distributors.
  • Coordination with local police, law enforcement, customs for enforcement of orders.
  • Court proceedings for John Doe orders.
  • Fetch illegal copies of copyrighted work and dispose off or return to owner.


Copyright plays a vital role in the Media and Entertainment industry. We offer the following services for our esteemed clients to protect their creative content.

  • Filing of copyrights for dramatic, literary, artistic works etc.
  • Overall advisory services on all kinds of marketable copyrights;
  • IP due diligence to assess the quantity and the quality of intellectual property rights.
  • Issuing cease & desist/legal notices;
  • Representing on behalf of clients in Court proceedings for infringement or passing off.

  • Other associated services

    • Negotiating deals for production houses with (Over-The –Top) OTT platform providers and individuals.
    • Format licensing.
    • Assistance in structuring film financing.
    • Negotiating deals with production houses, distributors and multiplexes and cinema houses.
    • Negotiating deals with Direct-To-Home (DTH) providers.
    • Assistance in monitoring online streaming to ensure compliance to agreements, law and regulations.